• Software development business


Software development business

Promoting DX for our customers with our unique solution services

NTT e-Asia's software development business does more than just support development. We provide support from strategic planning for current issues to development and operation for solutions, linking each phase as a cycle and turning it into a solution service.

three phase

What we can do

  • Strategy plannning phase

    • DX consulting

      Implementing software from strategy building to promotion with an understanding of DX

    • DX personnel support

      Placing the necessary specialists in the necessary DX positions

    • System development training

      Walking down the path of system development guided by experts

  • Development / Manufacturing phase

    • Software production

      A solid technical prowess that covers any manufacturing phase

    • Offshore development support

      Realizing high quality software at low costs based on our strong partnership with NTT e-MOI in Vietnam

  • Operation phase

    • System operation and maintenance

      Supporting our customers 24-7 year-round for security and troubleshooting needs

    • BPO

      Reforming our employees' work hours with optimized operation flow for better productivity

    • ITO

      Supporting meticulous tasks with the latest technologies and high security to create ideal resources

    • AMO

      Monitoring applications to reduce management costs and make our employees’ operations more meaningful

    • Data analysis

      Consolidating and formatting distributed data to create business intelligence for your next step


Global solutions business

Achieving innovation in societies and communities in Asian countries

As a regional social innovation enterprise, NTT East Group has innovative solutions as well as achievements and relationships built on the foothold of its offices in Asia. Using such resources to the maximum extent, NTT e-Asia will achieve innovations throughout Asia and sustainable and prosperous society with a wide range of options, including strategic investments.

asia map
Agri DX icon
Smart city icon
Manufacturing icon
Drones icon
Telecom icon
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Aquaculture icon
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Culture & Arts icon
SaaS icon


Major initiatives in global solutions business

    • Telecom and smart city development

      We will drive the development of smart cities, including high-quality and reliable Telecom, real estates, disaster prevention, and digital services.

    • Scaling businesses with overseas partners

      By scaling businesses through sharing technologies and expertise, as well as capital tie-ups, we aim to develop the Asian region with our partners.

    • Overseas business expansion with NTT East DX solutions

      Leveraging NTT East Group’s primary industry solutions, we seek to develop businesses overseas through marketing activities and forming partnerships.



NTT e-Asia works toward building a better future.

Contact us here for further inquiries.